What is in a name?

12 May 2023|

Are you one of those people who absolutely hates shopping? Or are you spending as much on therapy to deal with your shopping addiction as you are on the latest designer brands? Either way, you're not alone. According to, one study, around 1 in 5 US consumers feels stressed when going shopping, while more than 1 in 10 experiences high stress levels while buying online. However, there are still plenty of shopping enthusiasts out there. Half of men and 70%

Intergalactic economics

5 May 2023|

Early on 31 December 2020 the two biggest alliances in the known universe began the largest and bloodiest battle ever witnessed. The Imperium had managed to damage a key component of the PAPI Coalition’s military strategy: a Cyno Jammer, with the function of blocking warp gates, the technology through which entire fleets are able to jump into warzones. Without the use of its jammer, the PAPI Coalition was unable to control the flow of friendly and enemy starships and became

Cabin crew, ready for take-off

28 April 2023|

Since I moved to London, I’ve noticed planes flying over my head quite regularly. Probably most Londoners pay no attention to it, but I guess the aerophobia I’ve always suffered from makes me especially aware of their presence. Inspired by this, I decided to look at some statistics for London airspace. Could this data also be helpful to predict economic activity? Given the size of London and its global importance as a financial, educational and tourist hub, it comes as

Only connect

21 April 2023|

The first time I attended a baseball match was in 2006 in Philadelphia. I was living there at the time and wanted to absorb some of the culture. Since I was ignorant of the rules, not to mention the (apparently infinite) subtleties of the game, I got chatting to the bloke sat next to me – a US citizen who’d lived in Philly for the last 20 years. He noticed my accent immediately, and the following conversation ensued. You’re British?

Replacing myself with a chatbot

14 April 2023|

When my name appears on our Friday blog rota, I feel both excited and a little anxious. Excited, because it means I can investigate a new, interesting, topic and share my findings with you. Nervous, because at the outset it isn’t always clear how interesting or stimulating that topic might be, how long the research will take and how to juggle time spent on the piece alongside client-facing work. The challenge is to find a timely topic to present on,

By the Sea

6 April 2023|

On a cold, damp Saturday late last month I went to see Suede in concert at the De La Warr Pavilion — a beautiful example of Modernist architecture built next to the beach in Bexhill-on-Sea. Located on the Sussex coast, part way between Eastbourne and Hastings, the town’s revenues from tourism are not what they once were. Suede was formed in 1989, with the eponymous first album released 30 years ago almost to the day. It met with great critical

Free museum entry

31 March 2023|

Last weekend, I visited the Natural History Museum. It was as impressive as I remember from the last time I went, on a family holiday from Norway when I was about ten. I must admit that I was almost as excited to see the dinosaur skeletons as the five-year old on the front row wearing a dinosaur costume. Entrance to the museum was free, as with all national collections in the UK — several other countries do the same. The

A free lunch?

24 March 2023|

Vienna’s famous Der Wiener Deewan restaurant was opened in 2005 by Afzaal Deewan, an asylum-seeker from Pakistan. When he first arrived in Vienna he missed the taste of food from home, and would visit Asian restaurants around the city, but he found them very expensive. It wasn’t until he met Natalie — then a student, now his wife — that the two of them came up with an idea: to open a restaurant that would be accessible to all, asylum-seekers

Snow business

17 March 2023|

Visiting Whistler Blackcomb ski resort in Canada this year, I was introduced to the concept of a multi-resort pass: a whole-season ski pass you can use at many resorts across different continents, as opposed to one that would only cover a specific resort or area. Having previously only ever skied in Europe, it got me thinking: would these multi-resort passes end up getting replicated over here? Vail Resorts, an American ski resort company, revolutionised the ski industry in 2008 with

Premier League vs productivity

10 March 2023|

England’s two most decorated football clubs renewed their rivalry last Sunday, with Manchester United suffering a defeat of humbling proportions to Liverpool. This United fan has had dodgy oysters that were easier to stomach than conceding seven at Anfield. While these two historic clubs are not at the summit of the Premier League this season, they boast the country’s largest collection of domestic and European honours. If footballing productivity is judged by league-winners’ medals per head, the North West is