Zoom and Teams – a breath of fresh air?

1 May 2020|

It’s not often that I’m disappointed by the OED. When I am, it’s usually because the dictionary has denied me a higher Countdown score. Today, I’m disappointed by it for another reason. In April, the OED published a revised edition, adding a number of new words related to the ongoing health crisis. Covid-19, R0 and infodemic are all now in. But, much to my annoyance, the verbs to teams and to zoom haven’t been included. Clearly, they haven’t spent much

Don’t forget the little guys

24 April 2020|

“Flick, flick, claw, claw, holding spoons, da, da, da-da-da” were the instructions shouted through the ether by the remote dance teacher on Instagram Live last Saturday. Bearing in mind that I haven’t voluntarily taken a dance class since junior school, it was surprisingly enjoyable. To this day, when the song ‘You’re the one that I want’ comes on the radio, I feel like donning my ‘Pink Ladies’ jacket, collar up, and recreating my junior school dance moves. I have no

Struggling with lockdown? Try a good rant!

17 April 2020|

As the current holder of the coveted accolade of longest self-isolating Fathom employee, I feel I’m in a good place to shed some light on some notable changes that have happened during this period. The staggering rise in the dubious content flying in and out of my WhatsApp chats betrays a clear longing for broflake infused social interactions somewhere beyond the confinement of domestic walls, ideally a boys’ trip (Brian, can we go on another stag please?). The compounded overload

TFIT: exercise and the other benefits of lockdown

9 April 2020|

The good news is that it’s a four-day weekend. The bad news is that it’s probably the least anticipated four-day weekend of my lifetime. Being locked inside isn’t fun: that’s probably why we reserve it as punishment for people that break the law or enjoy cruises. Bill Withers, who sadly lost his life last week, reminds us that “there’s always tomorrow”. Lockdowns will end. No doubt they have been tough for all of us. But I’m sure we can all

The carbon neutral stag party

3 April 2020|

Most of us are locked at home and likely to be for some time, which has given us a moment to pause and think about the important things in life. Like how much we love our family and how much we value friendship. That was me in week one of lockdown. In week two, as I look out of my window at the plane-free sky over central London my mind has drifted to the climate and the recent reduction in

Ten ways that times change and you won’t believe how values change too

27 March 2020|

Economics is the study of trade-offs. How much of something we want are we prepared to give up in order to get one unit of something else we want? And how much must we give up? Those trade-offs change over time – and particularly in extraordinary times like these. A previous TFiF looked at how much we’d need to be compensated to give up various forms of social media and other online resources. It is extremely likely that those metrics

Will Macau fold?

20 March 2020|

We are living in unprecedented times, ones that we will be telling our grandchildren about in years to come. In an effort to stem the spread of the devastating COVID-19 around the world, our leisure time has temporarily, but considerably changed. There are no more marathon training long runs, no more all-nighters at the pub, no more Premier League Super Sundays to watch (so yes, you actually have to talk to your partner on a Sunday), and the brakes have

Hand sanitiser: where does it come from, where does it go?

13 March 2020|

Our hands have probably never been cleaner. The spread of the novel coronavirus over the past couple of months has led to nothing short of a ‘run’ on hand sanitiser, as seen by early morning queues outside your local Superdrug. A number of interesting economic phenomena can be observed from market pricing, consumer stockpiling, and the government’s response. In markets with more flexible price structures such as Amazon, an increase in the price of hand sanitiser reflects a sudden shift

Can Netflix chill?

6 March 2020|

“One more episode and then I’ll go to sleep” — we’ve all been there. You watch the next episode, it ends on a cruelly suspenseful cliffhanger and before you know it it’s 3am and coffee is your only means of surviving the following day at work. Streaming of TV shows and movies has become a global phenomenon, and for the first time, in 2018, became the most used medium for viewing content, according to a recent report from PwC. Netflix

Nobody said it would be easy

28 February 2020|

Spearheaded by huge youth movements such as the global climate strikes led by Greta Thunberg, the climate change debate looks set to be one of the big issues of this decade. And, as with most promising trends set by young people, baby boomers and large institutions are scrambling to catch up. So too the financial sector; ‘ESG’ (Environmental-Social-Governance) is the new buzzword for investors and managers alike, with ESG-related data offerings, seminars, conferences and news articles springing up like mushrooms.